Saturday, April 14, 2007

Death Is a Nappy-headed Ho

By now, I'm betting you've heard or read Don Imus' name on every tv channel, radio station, newpaper and magazine in the past week exponentially more times than you'd catch the descriptor for a female dog at a rap recording session. This post constitutes my humble contribution to that burr under your saddle.

Up front, let me say that I think Imus is a left-wing idiot. I have zero use for him or his show, Imus Schmuck in the Morning. That said, his terminal case of foot-in-mouth disease offers an interesting revelation about current realities; realities that cost him his job after forty years on the air.

Imus committed the cardinal sin of kicking sand over the PC line. That's the career equivalent of hara kiri, these days--especially when it involves our precious minority, the Warriors of Infinite Moral Pulchritude and Strength (WIMPS). It's a worse mistake than a nubile young girl seeking a shower at the Bates Motel.

Reptiles in glossy suits--like that greasy character Al $harpton, and his counterpart Je$$e Jack$on--never bat a nictitating membrane when someone of Imus' septic caliber trashes Christians on-air, or smears other racial, political, or religious groups. It's simply a non-issue. But make a remark implying that blacks are anything less than angels of light, and we get hucksters circling the waters, like sharks on the blood-scent.

The bottom line is that it's not about what's appropriate or virtuous behavior in public; it's about the acquisition of power, fame, and viewing the world through racial lenses permanently affixed to the mind's eye. Imus didn't forfeit his career because he's a cad; he lost it because he made the fatal error of deviation from the party line, in public.

Who's the bigger racist: the man who makes an off-color remark on a radio show with a reputation for crass, unkind comments; or the man who attacks this individual for his sin, while ignoring it in those of his own skin pigmentation?

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