Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Keep on the Sunny Side

A new analysis shows that the Sun is more active now than it has been at anytime in the previous 1,000 years.

Scientists based at the Institute for Astronomy in Zurich used ice cores from Greenland to construct a picture of our star's activity in the past.

They say that over the last century the number of sunspots rose at the same time that the Earth's climate became steadily warmer.

Doubtless warmer surface temperatures and simultaneous increased solar activity are unrelated. We know this because Algore tells us that in his upcoming dystopian pseudo-gospel, Hysteria Personified: How I Started the Gaian Cult of Doom. . .and Invented the Internet in the Process.

Even if these findings were accurate, the end result would be humanity's fault. I can hear the econazis now: "Sol's active state indicates a fiery loss of temper, due to humanity's abuse of the edenic planetary organism called Earth. Its justifiable wrath will broil the human contaminant into ashes, like a self-cleaning oven. Thus achieving universal equilibrium, once again."

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