Sunday, January 14, 2007

South American Gulag

President Hugo Chavez's announcement at this week's innaugaral ceremony of plans to create a network of "socialist cities" run by "people power" in Venezuela's unsettled interior has some critics concerned he is moving his country toward a Pol Pot-type system.

The anti-American leader told the Venezuelan national assembly that large tracts, each 38.6 square miles in size, would be developed as new egalitarian communities run without mayors or municipal governments.

"I invoke and summon the constituent power, the people's power, the real fuel, so that the engines I am talking about may lead us to a better future," he said at the swearing-in ceremony where he declared "the new era on the road to socialism."

"Those of you who want to know what type of socialism I have planned for Venezuela should read Marx and Lenin," he said.

Wow, who knew he'd be so open and direct about his murderous intentions? Subtle as a bullet in the brainpan. Marx advocated state control of business and the abolition of private property. Lenin put this delicate philosophy into practice in the October Revolution of 1917. Untold thousands died in the beginning, and the end of his policies resulted in the direct execution, starvation, or unjust imprisonment of literally millions of people.

Communism has never held any status but that of abysmal failure. It denotes moral and intellectual annihilation, standing in opposition to everything God wants for us.

Which speaks volumes about Venezuela's dictator-in-chief.

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