Monday, March 27, 2006

Amnesty in Aztlan

The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved an immigration reform bill that allows millions of illegal aliens to seek U.S. citizenship without leaving the country – but not before lawmakers stripped out a proposal that would mandate criminal penalties for those individuals inside the United States illegally.

Under the legislation, illegal aliens in the United States would obtain six-year nonimmigrant visas under which they could work in the country and travel outside the country. The aliens would have to pay a $1,000 fine and undergo background checks.

After six years, the aliens would be able to meet certain requirements and then apply for a green card, or permanent residency.

The real hoot in this situation is that many of these idiots are protesting Bush's lax immigration plan. See the L.A. stories for examples. What's to protest? It seems Mexico is reserving for itself its citizens with IQs over 75. I love seeing pictures of people standing around wearing sombreros, with glassy-eyed tequila-worm grins on their faces. And it almost brings a tear when they show their love for the good ol' U.S. of A. by proudly waving Mexican flags in the downtown streets of Los Aztlan--I mean, Angeles. Yep, they're just here to work, donchooknow. No ulterior motives at all, when they screech: "Thees ees our homeland! We're taking eet back!", while still wet behind the ears from clambering out of the Rio Grande. Stand tall and sport your "La Raza" t-shirts, guys. We know you just want to feed jour families.

Can you believe it, mane? Five-hundred thousand people complaining about Bush kissing the "Undocumented Worker" movement on its bare backside.

I understand the outrage. I really do.

How dare he not give them a little peck on both cheeks.

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