Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Woes of a Novice

As most of you might imagine, I'm not experienced at running a blog. This is my first. So for now, anyone who wishes to post a comment, just post anonymously, then sign your name. This cuts the neccessity of signing in, darnit! I hope to alleviate this problem, soon. If not, then oh well. I'll figure out something.


Anonymous said...

Yep, you got a fixer-upper.


Wes said...

Haha, very funny, Bane. Thanks for dropping by, though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wes. I just wanted to stop by and see your new blog. I can't comment on the movies because I haven't seen either one of them (hangs head in shame). Vox is not a big movie going kind of guy. One comment on the blog and that is the color scheme. The dark blue on the side bar- I think it's previous posts - is very difficult to read because of the contrast, otherwise it looks good.


Wes said...

Thanks for stopping by. Good point about the blue. I'll see what I can do. Drop in, anytime.