Thursday, June 2, 2011

Discrimination Isn't for Everyone

A federal judge in South Texas has banned public prayer at a high school graduation ceremony after the agnostic parents of a senior went to court.

Biery's order, released Tuesday, was in response to a lawsuit filed by Christa and Danny Schultz on behalf of their son, Corwin, to block use of prayer. The judge says speakers cannot call on audience members to bow their heads, join in prayer or say "amen."

The federal court system's prescribed cure for a tyranny of the majority is instituting a tyranny of the minority. Now we all get abused in the hopes of appeasing a handful of perpetually offended jerks who believe it is their Constidelusional right to go through life without ever, ever having their mellow harshed. Isn't that nice for them?

I note that the federal government's position is that offending someone is a concern only if the person-in-question holds non-traditional or non-religious (non-Christian) ideas. If you're a Christian or a conservative type, these federal judges have no problem using your beliefs as a doormat, after clod-hopping in cowpie country.

A whole school barred from an official recognition of God's existence, due to the bellyaching of two people. That's what I call fair play.

By the way, the above does not sound like the behavior of agnostics, but of militant atheists.

I can hear the Schultzes now:

"Son, we know you're about to head out into that great big godless world, but we want to make sure that you remain unexposed to such icky praying nonsense. It might hurt your feelings; it sure as no such thing as hell hurts ours.

"We know that you're a delicate little flower, and we're not certain that your fragile sensibilities can handle the bowing of heads all across an auditorium. And the last time we heard the word A-M-E-N, we both came down with a case of the vapors and woke up having lost two hours, with residual headaches.

"Son, we love you very much; that's why we don't want you deciding for yourself about the efficacy or benignity of prayer. That's our job. However, if you must have a higher power to whom you pray, we'll make one exception. We recommend that lovely mocha gentleman in the White House.

"After all, he truly walks on water."

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