Friday, January 22, 2010

Many Thanks

My wife's father passed away on Sunday, January 17. I don't believe he suffered, because he was neither awake nor aware. He endured many physical disabilities over the years, culminating in a heart attack from which he did not recover. Through all his trials, he kept a cheerful disposition and always cracked jokes and made people laugh. He never felt sorry for himself or brought others down with his woes.

I'm happy to report that he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior in 2008; so I understand that not only is he in Heaven, but he's better off than those of us on Earth, as he is in the presence of our Lord.

I and my wife want to thank each of you who remembered him in your prayers. None of us will ever know how much they contributed to the alleviation of his condition. We appreciate your efforts, and do not believe that they were in vain. We've spent the past few days visiting with family, and attending the funeral out of town. Now that matters have returned to a semblance of normalcy, I'll try to get back to regular posting; I've had interest in commenting on some current events, but they've taken a back burner, until now.

God bless and keep all of you.

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