Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tumblin' Tumbleweeds, or "Die, Kid!"

Spurring America's vaunted halls of learning to new lows:

A 12-year-old girl who says she was traumatized when her teacher showed the film "Brokeback Mountain" featuring love scenes with homosexual cowboys is suing the Chicago Board of Education for $500,000.

"What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," is what the substitute teacher told eighth-grade students at Ashburn Community Elementary School after showing the R-rated movie, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in Cook County Circuit Court.

Sounds like Ms. Buford hails from Vegas. With a motto like this, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before she's playing "doctor" with the students. Keep in mind that these kids were in elementary school. Calling this putrid is an understatement.


In another enlightenment setting, we have this:

A teacher and an assistant principal at a Tennessee school have been suspended for about two weeks because they staged a gunman's attack on their sixth-grade students for a "prank" or a "learning experience," depending upon the explanation.

The newspaper report said the faculty members staged the phony gun attack – repeatedly telling the children it was not a drill – while the kids cried and took shelter under tables.

"A teacher wearing a hooded sweatshirt pulled on a locked door, pretending to be a suspicious subject in the area," the report said. "The students were told to lie on the floor or crawl underneath tables and keep quiet."

The newspaper quoted 11-year-old Shay Naylor, who told of the children crying as the lights went out, and some were holding hands and shaking.

The school, while it initially described the circumstances as a prank, later in the same document called it a "learning experience."

"The children were in that room in the dark, begging for their lives, because they thought there was someone with a gun after them," Brandy Cole, whose son was part of the class, told the newspaper.

Alisha Graves' son was on the trip, and she said it was not good. "Those kids were crying, and they were terrified."

Barbara Corbetta said the details matched in all of the stories the children told their parents – kids on the floor crying and begging for their lives.

"My hope is that we can learn from this, and in the end, it will have a positive result of growth for all of us," Stephens (the school principal) told the newspaper.

I'm really sure these distraught parents appreciate your sentimental pap, Miss Insipid Bureaucratic Crap Regurgitator. I can't think of a more despicable, worthless comment, in light of the event-in-question. It's obvious that the staff are lying about their intentions, given that the lowlife element running the place can't even get its story straight. I suppose the "learning experience" was how to soil oneself properly in a hostage situation. I can tell you with certainty that if something like this happened to one of my children, I'd be lacing up my clodhoppers and seeking out these "teachers," so as to educate them in the meaning of pain by stomping mudholes in their stinking fundaments.

These are the kind of people we have "in charge," folks. The inmates truly are running the asylums. It's not a joke.

I have some sincere questions for those with kids in public schools: Can you do no better than this? Do your offspring deserve something superior to such filth? How many stories of this type must you read, before the truth hits home? Put another way, if your cumulative knowledge doesn't constitute enough convincing evidence that the system is broken, how much do you require? Where is the tipping point? Scripture tells us that a child's education is his parents' duty. Do you think that God looks upon the indoctrination and degradation of your children with fondness?

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