Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Downward Spiral

We have a choice coming in Fall '08.
It makes all our little hearts palpitate:
Repugs and Dhimmicrats nigh salivate
To sit on our birthright and defecate.

Hillary's eating babies from the crib;
A Janus-faced snake, she's crafty and glib.
She's quite unashamed; it's sure not a fib:
Yes, Big Brother is her favorite sib.

Barack Obama has a foreign name.
He's a real good Negro, polite and tame.
He's eloquent, too, but that ain't fair game.
Only white-robed racists speak such acclaim.

McCain sits on both sides of every fence.
Rudy wears miniskirts with confidence.
Romney thinks it's manifest common sense:
Polygyny's the boon of Providence.

So choose your poison: nightshade or hemlock.
Join the clueless idiot voting block.
Bleat like the weakest lamb shorn from the flock.
Raise curtain; light the stage; it's Ragnarok!

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