Friday, January 20, 2006

Fans in the East

Who knew I had fans all the way over there in that Muslim paradise of Malaysia?

After lauding myself and others with a few choice four-letter words, Kei made some interesting comments about religion:

Being a christian and believing in god is one thing. Being a christian, thinking it's the best religion, thinking it's the only RIGHT religion, looking down on other's who aren't christians is another thing. The f***ing purpose of a religion is to f***ing have something to believe in so it'd guide you and blablabla. It is not to look down on people that believe in other stuff.

Perhaps you can answer this question, my dear Kei, if you don't mind: If all religions are the same, and of equal value, then why choose one over the others? Additionally, keeping within the assertion that they're all the same, how do you explain huge contradictions within their teaching traditions? For example, the Holy Bible teaches that Jesus was the Messiah, God in the flesh. Muslims do not believe this. Are both Christians and Muslims correct?

And with this other christian extremist, i was talking to her about her boyfriend. And she suddenly said "Jeremy isn't a christian". I replied "Oh, and?".. She replied with a "I'm trying to make him a christian."... Their relationship ended after she kept pestering him to convert into a christian from a buddhist.

More food for thought: The definition of a Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior, who believes that He was and is God, and is the only Way and the Truth and the Life. Without Him, we all are bound for Hell. If you believe this is true, and someone whom you love rejects this truth, wouldn't this cause you anguish? Wouldn't you want to share this truth, and see them embrace it? If not, why not?

And i know that hell a lot of people look down on me because I'm a christian and yet i do not go to church, do not read the bible, i swear and sh** like that. Yeah whatever, even though i swear and don't read the bible, i f***ing know where i stand okay. I believe in my ownself. I'm not insecure enough to pray to god to make my friend's become christians. And a whole lot of other things...

To all those christian extremists out there.. GO F*** YOURSELF WITH A CARROT.

Kei, what you've written, here, pains me. Not the insults, but the apparent fact that you have no understanding of Christianity. All of us sin, so I'm certainly not judging you; but you don't seem troubled by your own admitted sins. If you don't read the Bible, how can you possibly understand Jesus or His plans for you? And you "believe in your own self"? That's a bizarre statement coming from a self-proclaimed Christian. Believing in yourself isn't going to get you very far, since you're a fallible human being, just like everyone else (myself included). Nor will it get you into Heaven. We should rely on our Father and His Son, Jesus. Hope lies with Them. As for prayer, Jesus taught that we should pray. This has nothing to do with insecurity; it's called showing your faith in Him. I humbly suggest you go back and read the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) with an open heart and mind, praying to God as you do to help you understand His truth.

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