Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Aftermath

I had a great time seeing the family, and making my rounds from house to house. Over the river and through the woods, and all that. My nephews and nieces received enough toys to supply every child in a small sub-Saharan country with Christmas gifts. Talkin' 'bout spoiled. My wife and I exchanged presents, and though My True Love didn't get me ten lords a'leaping, nine politicians lying, or eight jihadis exploding, she did buy me some nice stuff, which I appreciate.

Around this time every year, I learn anew just how much food a human can consume without bursting. For those of you who are unsure, it's measured in tonnage. The crane that transported me to and from my car attests to that.

I'm sure Richard Simmons is lying in a swoon somewhere from weighing the implications--no pun intended.

I've said all that to say this: I hope everyone enjoyed time with family and friends as much as I did. If so, I know you had a good Christmas.

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