Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Devil Went Down to Nawleuhns

The Devil went down to Nawleuhns
She was looking for a photo-op.
She had big plans for '08,
And she needed a
Sad backdrop.

When she came upon a looter selling stereos that were hot
She jumped up on a cypress stump and said
"Boy, let me tell you what.

I bet you didn't know it,
But I'm running for president
And all the little people
think I'm Heaven-sent.
I know Tha Man has got you down,
But give the Devil her due,
I'll bet a motorboat against your vote,
'Cause I think I'm better than you."

The punk said "My name's Tyrone,
And it might be a sin,
But I don't care, I needs wellfare,
So, for me its win/win."

Tyrone git yo butt in gear an' sell them stolen goods
'Cause hell's broke loose in Nawleuhns
An' it's overrun with hoods.
An' if you win you'll simplify your crime-spree with a boat,
But if you lose, the Devil gets your vote.

The Devil grinned like a slit-eyed snake
An said "I'll start this show."
Then she reached inside her pantsuit and
Pulled out The Communist Manifesto.
When the boy rolled his eyes,
She spat out an evil hiss,
Then a band of demons joined in,
And it sounded something like this

(eerie music)

Here come the Guardsmen, run boys run.
Devil's in the house of the rising sun.
Chicken's in the squad car picking his nose.
Sean Penn's bailing, down he goes.

The Devil bowed her head
because she knew that she'd been beat
And she laid that nice new motorboat
On the ground at Tyrone's feet.
Tyrone said "Devil just come on back
If ya ever wanna try again.
I done told ya oncet
You mean ol' bat,
Either way for me's win/win."

With apologies to Charlie Daniels and my readers. I just couldn't resist.

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