Thursday, May 19, 2005

Skeered Ta Death

Here's a list of phobias of my own dubious invention. If you don't wanna read them--well, that's just your fear of reading two posts on the same subject.

Fear of Bees--Buzzoffophobia.

Fear of England or English Culture--Limeyphobia.

Fear of Floods--Glubglubophobia.

Fear of H.P. Lovecraft's Writings--Cthulhuphobia.

Fear of the Truth--JohnKerryophobia.

Fear of Death AND Fear of Frogs--Croakophobia.

Fear of Meat--PETAphobia.

Fear of Small Government--(See the Democrat & Republican Party platforms).

Fear of Robots or Computers--HALophobia.

Fear of Trees--Entophobia.

Fear of Looking in Mirrors--Buttuglophobia.

Fear of Undressing in Front of Others--Nekkidasajaybirdphobia.

Fear of the French--Frogophobia.

Fear of Long Sermons--Snoreophobia.

Fear of Bald People--Chromedomeophobia

Fear of Stuttering--S-s-s-s-s-stutterphobia.

Fear of Telephones--Ringalinglingophobia.

Fear of Arabs--Ragheadophobia.

Fear of Women: Hearmeroarophobia.

Fear of Politicians--Heck, this ain't an unreasonable fear; it's just good common sense.

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