Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Thinking Outside the Evolutionary Shell

From AnswersInGenesis:

In North West Queensland, Australia, scientists found some fossils of turtles that they thought had become extinct during the so-called Pleistocene period. This was about 50,000 years ago, according to the evolutionary time scale. Then about 90 kilometers, or 56 miles away, they found a new species of a living turtle. It turns out that this turtle appears to be the same as the fossils they found!

The remarkable thing was that the living turtles showed absolutely no signs of any evolutionary changes over the supposedly 50,000 years since the fossils were formed.

And what will be the reaction of evolutionists to this revelation, you might ask?

Ah. . .well, that's easy. They'll hunker down and contract into their shells and hide, just like the Galapagos tortoises probably did, when they first saw Darwin.

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