Sunday, April 10, 2005

Do Not Go Gibbering Into That Long Night

From a letter to World Net Daily:

What is it with you guys? Pushing your own agenda on god, evolution and religion. Do you have any balance in the editorial room? The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, but the evidence for a manmade god is not. The earth is but a speck in the cosmos, and there are probably tens of millions of planets with life forms. There are probably tens of million of other universes. Use your god-given brain and stop trying so hard to convince the masses, which are vulnerable because they are scared of death and need a reason for their brief existence on this planet.

Urk! The horror! Actually having an opinion on God, evolution, and religion! Why can't we all set aside our biases, like this enlightened guy?

WND always has been open about its agenda, with no subtleties involved. It's pro-God, pro-Constitution, and pro-Christian. That said, there's more diversity of thought at WND than within any other newspaper I've ever read.

This is funny. Evidence for evolution is "overwhelming," yet he cannot give one definitive example in his diatribe? And what is this gobbledegook about a "man-made" god? That's not the God Christians worship. If the evidence for "tens of millions" of other universes--peopled with sundry life forms--is so weighty, let's see a wee bit of it.

Whew! I'm glad we have such intellects to set us sheep in the "masses" straight. Oh, one final question: How does atheism bring comfort to those who "need a reason for their brief existence on this planet."?

Hear that sound? It's a vortex, sucking his brain into one of those ten million universes.

Good luck finding it.

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