Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Ted Hates America

From The Federalist Patriot:

"The nations in the Middle East are independent, except for Iraq, which began the 20th century under Ottoman occupation and is now beginning the 21st century under American occupation." --Sen. Ted Kennedy

Ok, this is beyond stupid, regardless of your particular take on the Iraq war. If Kennedy would only hoist himself out of the bottle for a little sunshine and fresh air, he'd realize the asinine nature of his words.

A little history: The Ottoman Turks were brutal oppressors, bent on dominating anyone--and everyone--in their path. They waged a long and bloody war against Europe, in the name of Islamic expansion, and ultimately lost. This defeat culminated at the end of the First World War. Ted "Pour Me Another" Kennedy's remark demonstrates two specific points: 1. His contempt for the United States is about as subtle as Fat Albert's weight problem; and 2. His ignorance of Islamic history is quite profound.

Worse, he implies that other Middle Eastern countries are free. Perhaps they don't have more powerful nations lording over them--but free? Tell that to the women who are beaten senseless or shot for stepping outside their houses without chaperones. Tell that to the young girls experiencing clitorectomies as a birthday gift from their parents. Tell that to those who are murdered, imprisoned, or deported for teaching the validity of any religion besides Islam. The list goes on and on, ad nauseum. Some of the most oppressed people on earth live in the Middle East, and the U.S. has nothing to do with it. If such evils continue in Iraq--and I'm sure they do--it is not as a result of the American presence, but in spite of it. Kennedy and others of his America-loathing ilk would do well to remember that.

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