Thursday, February 17, 2005

Banning Family Values

A federal court ruled the city of Oakland had a right to bar two employees from posting a flier promoting traditional family values on an office bulletin board.

Employees Regina Rederford and Robin Christy posted the flier in response to an e-mail to city employees announcing formation of a gay and lesbian employee association. The two responded with a promotion of their own -- the start of an informal group that respects "the natural family, marriage and family values."

But supervisors Robert Bobb, then city manager, and Joyce Hicks, then deputy director of the Community and Economic Development Agency, ordered removal of the flier, stating it contained "statements of a homophobic nature" and promoted "sexual-orientation-based harassment," even though it made no mention of homosexuality.

Titled, "Preserve Our Workplace With Integrity," the entire text said:

Good News Employee Associations is a forum for people of Faith to express their views on the contemporary issues of the day. With respect for the Natural Family, Marriage and Family values.

If you would like to be a part of preserving integrity in the Workplace call Regina Rederford @xxx-xxxx or Robin Christy @xxx-xxxx

The flyer was removed the same day, however, by order of Hicks.

Let me see if I understand this correctly: Open endorsement of homosexuality is good. Open endorsement of family values is bad. Family values are biased and discriminatory. Homosexual values are not. Additionally, any worldview not enthusiastically in favor of homosexuality is "homophobic."

The assault on the bulwarks of religious freedom continues, in the public square. Now they're scaling the battlements and raining arrows into the inner courtyard. How long before they break into the keep and raze it to the ground?

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