Friday, December 17, 2004

O Canada

Some immigrants aren't welcome in Canada.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

Seven Lebanese are scheduled today for deportation from Canada into the hands of terrorists likely to imprison, torture or kill them, say activists working on their behalf.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

Two recent examples illustrate these international law violations by Canadian immigration authorities, say human rights activists Jerry Gordon and Brigitte Gabriel.

In the first example, an SLA vet had fled South Lebanon via Israel in 1992. He entered Canada and obtained his citizenship after more than 12 years of residency. He was arrested in July 2004 at the Beirut International Airport, detained and tortured in Lebanon. He went on a compassionate mission to visit his sick elderly parents living there. The SLA vet had a Canadian passport and a valid Lebanese visa.

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

In the second example, SLA vet Ibrahim el Khoury along with his wife Norma Ata and his two children Kamal and Elie (the infant being a Canadian citizen) were arrested on their arrival at Beirut International Airport Sept. 27, 2004. Ibrahim was imprisoned and tortured while the family was detained for a few days and harshly interrogated.

"Little time remains for effective action to save the SLA veterans from almost certain death at the hands of Hezbollah operations and militias now in control of Southern Lebanon," said Gordon and Brigitte in a prepared statement. "It is absurd that Canada, one of the world’s premier human rights advocates and sanctuaries would permit this travesty of justice to unfold."

I don't know all the facts of this case, but a few items piqued my interest:

1. At least one of these men had lived legally in Canada for 12 years, and is now a citizen.
2. Canada has some of the most liberal immigration policies in the Western world, treating even illegal immigrants with leniency.
3. These men are former members of the South Lebanon Army, formerly allies of Israel.

Is it just me, or do you find it strange that Canada is serving these people with deportation notices? It makes me wonder.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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