Friday, November 19, 2004

Ivory Tower Liberals

From Michael Peroutka's website, written by John Lofton:

We all know that the national media tilts to the Left with a Liberal/anti-Christian bias --- particularly the Cable News Network. Still, it's a shock to personally experience such blatant prejudice, as I did at the end of our Presidential campaign.

As Michael's director of communications, I got a call from CNN saying they wanted to do a report about our campaign on their program Inside Politics. The reporter would be former CBS News correspondent Bruce Morton.

When Morton and I talk to set something up, he says he's been looking at our Web page. He wants to know if Michael is elected, "will he repeal the First Amendment which separates church and state?" I tell him that there is nothing in this Amendment calling for such a separation.

Morton: "Well, it says you can't have an established religion and your guy sounds as if he wants one. He wants a Christian country and that sounds like establishment to me. But, I am no Constitutional scholar."

Indeed he is not. I patiently explain to Morton that what our Founders did not want was a national religion established by the Federal Government. I say Michael doesn't want this either but he does not believe --- like our Founders --- that you should separate God and government. Referring to our campaign themes --- God, family, republic --- I note that the Declaration Of Independence speaks of unalienable rights, from God, that it is the purpose of government to protect.

Morton: "Yes, I've read it, thank you."

But, Morton persists: "So, you would leave the First Amendment alone?"

I tell him I'm trying to take his question seriously but I can't. I ask him what have we said that indicates we would not leave the First Amendment alone?

Morton: "Well, you appear to want a specifically Christian country."

I reply: "Well, no, we actually want a Christian world. But, again, we do not want a Federally-established national religion. And, again, we believe what our Founders believed, that our unalienable rights come from God and it is the role of the civil government to protect these God-given rights."

Morton: "Good enough."

I reply: "God bless you." He hangs up.

Here's what CNN broadcast in its entirety:

Morton says: "Michael Peroutka of the Constitution Party is on the ballot in 36 states. He wants a government that believes in God and is much smaller than the one we have now. No Federal money for old age pensions or education, for instance." Then a film clip of Michael is shown saying: "We need to honor God, defend the family, and restore the Constitutional republic."

It's amazing, really. People like this Morton character demonstrate the utterly misinformed portrait of Christians/conservatives aired daily on tv. Perhaps the man's full of deceit--or perhaps he has no clue what constitutionalists, conservatives, or Christians stand for. Liberals of his ilk apparently believe the goal of their political opponents is nothing less than a scrapping of personal liberty and the enthronement of a theocratic form of government. Where to start in explaining the absurdity of such opinions? To make matters worse, he revealed contempt for gathering facts about the political views of those he interviews--and his is supposed to be a medium dedicated to political commentary!

Remember the old adage: "Know your enemy."? Perhaps lefties actually should do a modicum of research and learn what their foes believe and where they stand. Getting acquainted with your enemy sometimes leads to the epiphany that he's not quite the zealot or froth-mouthed maniac that you assumed.

This is one lesson liberals have stricken gleefully from their playbooks.

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