Saturday, October 16, 2004

No Provocation Needed

In rebuttal of the columnist, Charley Reese, Jeffrey Rubin of the Conservative Book Club writes:

What he is discounting, among other things, is Islam, whose appeal to man's baser instincts--especially pride, anger, and lust--is capable of turning every perceived injustice or humiliation into a motive for indiscriminate slaughter. Historically, Islam has been peaceful only when it has been powerless (My emphasis). Now, thanks largely to oil wealth, mass immigration, and the demographic suicide of the West, it is capable of lashing out again--and it will continue to, whenever and wherever it can, regardless of Israeli or American policy.

In 1938, when Islam was weaker than ever before, the Catholic writer Hillaire Belloc predicted it would rise again to threaten the West. At the time, the state of Israel did not exist. What Belloc understood, and what Reese evidently does not, is that Muslims need no provocation to wage jihad against non-Muslims. Injustice may add fuel to the fire, but the flame was lit by Muhammed and his Koran.

I thought this was a timely assessment, and one with which I very much agree.

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